Shabbat Service

10 a.m. Saturdays

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Shabbat Message

 The Power of Your Words

How important is it to G-d when you make a promise?  What's the difference to G-d between a promise and a vow you make?  What are the consequences of broken promises?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions in this teaching from Joshua 9:10 given on October 17, 2015.

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Weekly Torah Portion


 November 15 - November 21, 2015  

Kislev 3 - Kislev 9, 5776

Torah  Genesis 28:10-32:2

Haftorah  Hosea 12:12-14:10

B’rith Hadoshah  Matthew 3:13-4:11

(Click the links above to read Passage)



Story of a Holocaust Survivor

Every year on Yom HaShoah, we remember the six million who lost their lives during the Holocaust and rejoice with the remnant who survived. Holocaust survivor Renate Kaufmann shares her experience as a child in Cologne, Germany, during World War II during an interview with radio show host Ethel Chadwick. Renate, also a poet and an artist, has written her story in a book called "Justify Us Through Your Life."




God delivers on Passover!

The Shema Yisrael dance team performs during the recent Community Passover Seder. Song is "Deliverance" by Messianic worship singer and songwriter Sue Samuels.


G-d's redemption same yesterday and today

About 3,500 years ago when the descendents of Israel were enslaved in Egypt, G-d promised Moses that He would redeem those who put their trust in Him “with an outstretched arm and with great judgment (Ex. 6:6).” This promise was also a prophesy of what He would later do on a hill outside Jerusalem.

The Israelites were G-d’s people who had moved to Egypt to survive a famine. After the Egyptians forced them into slavery, Moses went to Pharaoh and demanded he let the people go. He refused, so G-d stretched out His arm and released 10 terrible plagues as mighty acts of judgment. After enduring nine plagues, Pharaoh still refused to let the people go.

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