God delivers on Passover!
The Shema Yisrael dance team performs during the recent Community Passover Seder. Song is "Deliverance" by Messianic worship singer and songwriter Sue Samuels.
10 a.m. Saturdays
Deaf interpretation available
Children's education program and childcare available
Handicap accessible
The Power of Your Words
How important is it to G-d when you make a promise? What's the difference to G-d between a promise and a vow you make? What are the consequences of broken promises? Rabbi Jim answers these questions in this teaching from Joshua 9:10 given on October 17, 2015.
November 15 - November 21, 2015
Kislev 3 - Kislev 9, 5776
Torah Genesis 28:10-32:2
Haftorah Hosea 12:12-14:10
B’rith Hadoshah Matthew 3:13-4:11
(Click the links above to read Passage)
The Shema Yisrael dance team performs during the recent Community Passover Seder. Song is "Deliverance" by Messianic worship singer and songwriter Sue Samuels.
Reader Comments (1)
the Shema dance team is always interesting to watch. I know there are some of us for various reasons (either not physically able to, or not confident enough to) don't get up and dance. Yeshua can, and does, minister to us by having people dance. I suppose it is the same for the worship team --- some us are not musically capable of producing good sounds (at least to our ears) - -and I am certain Yeshua hears us, and sees us -- whenever we sing, or dance --- and to Him it is always beautiful. IN THE MEANTIME -- until the dance team and/or worship team can get everyone involved ---- THEY ARE PROVIDING a very significant ministry!!!!!!!!! -- I just wanted to let them know that.
SOMEDAY, either here on earth in this "AGE of GRACE", or in the soon coming Messianic Kingdom --- WE WILL ALL DANCE AND SING to the glory of G-d