Shabbat Service

10 a.m. Saturdays

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Shabbat Message

 The Power of Your Words

How important is it to G-d when you make a promise?  What's the difference to G-d between a promise and a vow you make?  What are the consequences of broken promises?  Rabbi Jim answers these questions in this teaching from Joshua 9:10 given on October 17, 2015.

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Weekly Torah Portion


 November 15 - November 21, 2015  

Kislev 3 - Kislev 9, 5776

Torah  Genesis 28:10-32:2

Haftorah  Hosea 12:12-14:10

B’rith Hadoshah  Matthew 3:13-4:11

(Click the links above to read Passage)



Chanukah lights way for Christmas

Each year Christians celebrate Christmas with children’s pageants, carols, and gift exchanges. By the same token, Jewish people light candles, spin dreidles and open small gifts during the eight days of Chanukah. But what most Christians and Jews don’t realize is that there would have been no Christmas if it weren’t for Chanukah.

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Davidic dance brings worship to full restoration

The early followers of Yeshua were passionate and joyous in their worship, said Robert Heidler in his book, “Messianic Church Arising.” While much of this passion and joy has returned to worship today, first century worship will not be fully restored until ring dancing is added. Giving Biblical evidence of the early Believers’ jubilant worship practices, Heidler explained how it disappeared as the Greek philosophies of stoicism and asceticism took hold. The result was a religion that saw poverty and suffering as virtues and expressions of passion as evil. In recent years, the yoke of Greek philosophy has broken off and the joy has been returning to the Body.

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G-d's Word once again universally known

When Christianity was cut off from its Jewish roots nearly 1,700 years ago, it lost some key components. Over the past few decades several of these roots have been restored, including circle dancing as a form of joyous Biblical worship, about which I have previously written in this space. Another Jewish root that G-d is in the process of restoring is the universal knowledge of His written Word.

In Biblical times, Jewish children learned to read Hebrew by studying the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. Then they memorized it by putting melodies to the words and chanting them. By the time they were young teenagers, they had the Torah committed to memory.

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