Historical Meaning

Tradition teaches that Rosh Hashanah is the anniversary of the first day of creation. Challah, the loaf of braided bread traditionally eaten on Shabbat, is made into a circle to symbolize the continuity of creation. Job 38:7 mentions that during creation “all the sons of God shouted for joy (Complete Jewish Bible).” G-d declared his creation good, and so can we as we shout with the final shofar blast! 

Leviticus 23:24 calls Rosh Hashanah a memorial or a day for remembering. Days that are memorials are also often a time for renewing commitments. What commitment comes with creation? The creation story implies a pure relationship with G-d as Adam and Eve had with him before sin entered the world. Rosh Hashanah is a great time to recommit yourself toward seeking pure relationships with G-d and other people, and if necessary, making amends with those whom you may have offended or who have offended you.

More about Rosh Hashanah

About Rosh Hashanah

Spiritual Significance

Prophetic Fulfillment