As a believer in Yeshua since 1976, I have heard messages about forgiveness and reconciliation many times. I had head knowledge about the importance of keeping my mind pure, and began learning a few years ago how holding onto the wrong spirits can cause disease. Author and teacher Donna Fiorini says “what’s buried alive stays alive” in her book "The Answer for Life.” With all this instruction, I was ready to do some self-examination and analysis.
It didn't take long for something to occur that gave me an opportunity to practice forgiveness and seek reconciliation. In 2010 I contacted a few folks in Los Angeles to ask if someone could provide temporary housing for my sister while she looked for an apartment there. One of those contacts was a young Messianic Rabbi, who promptly offered to share the need with his congregation. We exchanged a few emails, then I never heard from him again. I felt angry and resentful, but then someone did offer to help my sister, so I just put it out of my mind—burying it.
Then the Lord dug it up this summer. During Messiah Conference, I found myself in a class taught by that Los Angeles Rabbi, and the Lord reminded me that I had some unfinished business! After his class I sprinted down the aisle intending to ask him to forgive me for harboring resentment towards him, but before I could get the words out, he asked me for forgiveness for not following up with me. Wow, I wasn't expecting that! I told him it all worked out, we hugged, and he prayed with me.
As I walked away I felt lighter, as if I could almost float. A weight had been lifted; I was no longer holding onto resentment, bitterness and unforgiveness. Instead I was filled with peace, happiness and joy. Forgiveness was extended, and forgiveness was also received, all within a few moments!
Perhaps someone reading this is holding onto bitterness, anger, resentment and unforgiveness. Once you recognize it, then repent, renounce and resist it, in the name of Yeshua! Now that's what I call FREEDOM!
By Ethel Chadwick, Worship Ministry Director